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Urweltsteinbruch Holzmaden

PRICE ON REQUEST | Mesolimulus walchi and traces | Eichstätt-Solnhofen, Germany

PRICE ON REQUEST | Mesolimulus walchi and traces | Eichstätt-Solnhofen, Germany

Regular price €48.500,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €48.500,00 EUR
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  • Price on request: or +49 (0) 7023 2991
  • Origin: Eichstätt-Solnhofen, Germany
  • Age: Upper Jurassic, Tithonian, 145 million years old
  • Size: 270cm / 106.29" x 74cm / 29.13" x 1cm / 0.39"
  • Length of fossil: 17.5cm / 6.88"
  • Track length: 220cm / 86.61"
  • Description: The lagoon the animal was in was anoxic, meaning that at the bottom of these lagoons there was no oxygen and nothing alive. This horseshoe crab Mesolimulus walchi found itself on the bottom of the lagoon and one can see from the tracks that the animal reared up, got on its feet and started to walk. However, the anoxic conditions of the lagoon bottom quickly proved fatal to the arthropod and it soon began to struggle. We began to examine the specimen more closely and noticed that the animal's walking patterns and behavior began to change. The leg prints became deeper and more irregular, the telson (the long spiny tail) began to rise up and down, up and down, showing that the animal was really affected by the conditions.
  • Additional information: Solnhofen Limestone, famous Jurassic limestone unit near the town of Solnhofen, southern Germany, containing exceptionally well-preserved fossils from the Tithonian (150.8 million to 145.5 million years ago) of the Jurassic period. The Solnhofen Limestone consists of thin layers of fine-grained limestones interspersed with thin layers of shale; they were originally deposited in small, stagnant marine basins (possibly with very high salinity and low oxygen content) surrounded by reefs.
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